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The I Inside (2004)

"His story began when it all ended"

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Thriller, Mystery, Drama

1h 30m

January, 2004

Language: EN

Simon Cable wakes up in a hospital bed, confused and disoriented. He soon discovers from doctors that he has amnesia and is unable to remember the last two years of his life. Cable investigates what has happened to him and slowly pieces together his enigmatic past.


Roland Suso Richter


Michael Cooney


Ryan Phillippe Simon Cable
Sarah Polley Clair
Piper Perabo Anna
Robert Sean Leonard Peter
Stephen Rea Doctor Newman
Rakie Ayola Nurse Clayton
Peter Egan Doctor Truman
Stephen Lang Mr. Travitt
Stephen Graham Travis
Magdalena Manville Female Resident
Jay Simpson Morgue Orderly
Paul John Borde Intruder
Annabel Mansel Lewis 5th Floor Nurse

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