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The Hollywood Knights (1980)

"Beverly Hills and the civilized world will never forget them."

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1h 31m

May, 1980

Language: EN

Led by their comedic and pranking leader, Newbomb Turk, the Hollywood Knights car gang raise hell throughout Beverly Hills on Halloween Night, 1965. Everything from drag racing to Vietnam to high school love.


Floyd Mutrux


Floyd Mutrux


Robert Wuhl Newbomb Turk
Tony Danza Duke
Fran Drescher Sally
Michelle Pfeiffer Suzie Q
Joyce Hyser Brenda Weintraub
Hoyt Axton Lead Cop
Gary Graham Jimmy Shine
Stuart Pankin Dudley Laywicker
Otis Young Waiter
Moosie Drier Moosie
Gailard Sartain Bimbeau
Roberta Wallach Shirley Weintraub

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