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The Heist (1976)

"A prison system that does not regenerate, it degenerates."

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Drama, Crime

1h 23m

August, 1976

Language: ES

In Mexico City's infamous Lecumberri prison, three drug-addicted convicts celebrate getting drugs from one of their the mothers. They are found out and locked up in the "apando," the dreaded punishment cell. Protests over the treatment of those held in the cell lead to a bloody confrontation.


Felipe Cazals


José Revueltas
José Agustín


José Carlos Ruiz El Carajo
Manuel Ojeda Polonio
Delia Casanova La Chata
María Rojo Meche
Álvaro Carcaño Teniente
Luz Cortázar Madre del Carajo
Ana Ofelia Murguía Celadora
Sergio Calderón Oficial
César Sobrevals Celador
Gerardo del Castillo Policía
Adriana Rojo
Tomás Pérez Turrent Preso de la fajina
Max Kerlow Preso del suéter amarillo
Roberto de Rivero
Salvador Sánchez Albino

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