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The Good Herbs (2010)

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1h 58m

August, 2010

Language: ES

Dalia's life changes when she has to face her ethnobotanist mother Alzheimer's disease. This is a story of the chemistry of the brain, plants, and of human emotions; of the invisible bonds that unite the living with their dead and with nature, which belongs to us all; and about the Mexican herbalist heritage that tells which plants can help cure the soul.


María Novaro


María Novaro


Úrsula Pruneda Dalia
Ofelia Medina Lala
Ana Ofelia Murguía Blanquita
Cosmo González Muñoz Cosmo
Gabino Rodríguez Gabo
Miriam Balderas Ana
Alberto Estrella Luis
Luisa Pardo Quinceañera
Rodrigo Solis El Rot

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