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The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir (2018)

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Comedy, Drama, Adventure

1h 36m

May, 2018

Language: EN

The story of Ajatashatru Oghash Rathod, a fakir who tricks his local village in Rajasthan, India into believing his possesses special powers and into paying him to fly to Paris to buy a bed of nails from an Ikea store.


Ken Scott


Dhanush Ajatashatru Oghash Rathod
Bérénice Bejo Nelly Marnay
Erin Moriarty Marie
Barkhad Abdi Wiraj
Gérard Jugnot Gustave
Ben Miller Officer Smith
Abel Jafri Captain Fik
Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse Rose
Kay Greidanus Pieter
Amruta Sant Siringh
Vinod Jaywant Giri
Naman Jain Leader
Svar Kamble Sidekick
Hearty Singh Aja, child
Gandharv Dewan Cousin
Omkar Ketkar Cousin
Preet Bhanushali Child cousin
Burjor Dastur Siringh's Boss
Rakesh Jaiswal Doctor

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Dane Srbakoski @the_ane

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