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The Cat's Meow (2001)

"Some secrets won't stay buried."

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Drama, Thriller, Mystery

1h 54m

August, 2001

Language: EN

Semi-true story of the Hollywood murder that occurred at a star-studded gathering aboard William Randolph Hearst's yacht in 1924.


Peter Bogdanovich


Steven Peros


Kirsten Dunst Marion Davies
Edward Herrmann W. R. Hearst
Eddie Izzard Charlie Chaplin
Cary Elwes Thomas Ince
Joanna Lumley Elinor Glyn
Jennifer Tilly Louella Parsons
Claudia Harrison Margaret Livingston
Victor Slezak George Thomas
James Laurenson Dr. Daniel Goodman
Ronan Vibert Joseph Willicombe
Chiara Schoras Celia
Claudie Blakley Didi
Ingrid Lacey Jessica Barham
John C. Vennema Frank Barham
Steven Peros Elinor's Driver
Yuki Iwamoto Kono
Despina Mirou Servant
Diana Agostini Mrs. Ince (voice)

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