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The Burning Season (1994)

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Drama, TV Movie

2h 03m

September, 1994

Language: EN

Based on the true story of a Brazilian rubber tapper who leads his people in protest against government and developers, who want to cut down their part of the rainforest for a new road and ranch land. The rich and the powerful will stop at nothing, and frequently resort to murder


John Frankenheimer


Raúl Juliá Chico Mendes
Carmen Argenziano Alfredo Sezero
Sônia Braga Regina de Carvalho
Kamala Lopez Ilzamar
Luis Guzmán Estate Boss
Nigel Havers Steven Kaye
Tomas Milian Darli Alves
Esai Morales Jair
Edward James Olmos Wilson Pinheiro
Tony Plana Galvao
Marco Rodríguez Tavora
Carlos Carrasco Helio
Jonathan Carrasco Genesio
Jeffrey Licon Young Chico Mendes
José Pérez Moacir
Tony Perez Francisco Mendes
Briana Romero Elenia Mendes
Jorge Viteri Father Ceppi
Valentin Santana Oloci Alves

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