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The Bunker (1981)

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Drama, War, TV Movie

2h 30m

April, 1981

Language: EN

Dramatization depicting the events surrounding Adolf Hitler's last weeks in and around his underground bunker in Berlin before and during the battle for the city.


George Schaefer


John Gay


Anthony Hopkins Adolph Hitler
Richard Jordan Albert Speer
Cliff Gorman Joseph Goebbels
James Naughton James O'Donnell
Michael Lonsdale Martin Bormann
Martin Jarvis Johannes Hentschel
Michael Kitchen Rochus Misch
Andrew Ray Major Otto Günsche
Piper Laurie Magda Goebbels
Susan Blakely Eva Braun
Robert Austin Walter Wagner
Geoffrey Bateman Riebold
Graham Bishop Helmut Goebbels
Nathalie Boulmer Elga Goebbels
Yves Brainville Gen. Hans Guderian
Jane Carr Greta Hentschel
Georges Corraface Gard SS #1 (as George Cho...
Michael Culver Gen. Mohnke
Larry Dann Moss

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