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The Black Widow (1977)

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Drama, Romance

1h 18m

August, 1977

Language: ES

In a small town in Mexico, Matea is an orphan who assists the priest, Father Feliciano in his parish. The village doctor tries to seduce her but fails and proceeds to defame her into believing that Matea maintains relations with the priest. The people believe him and demand to cure her; he refuses and locks himself away with Matea. During the lockdown they develop a passionate love, but fate arrives and the priest dies.. Matea becomes a kind of priestess to which known as the "Black Widow".


Arturo Ripstein


Isela Vega Matea Gutiérrez
Mario Almada Father Feliciano
Sergio Jiménez Doctor
Hilda Aguirre Ursula
Eduardo Alcaraz
Jorge Fegán
Leonor Llausás
Juan Ángel Martínez
Beatriz Marín
Ana Ofelia Murguía
René Casados

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