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The Age of Innocence (1993)

"In a world of tradition. In an age of innocence. They dared to break the rules."

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Drama, Romance

2h 18m

September, 1993

Language: EN

Tale of 19th century New York high society in which a young lawyer falls in love with a woman separated from her husband, while he is engaged to the woman's cousin.


Martin Scorsese


Martin Scorsese
Jay Cocks


Daniel Day-Lewis Newland Archer
Michelle Pfeiffer Ellen Olenska
Winona Ryder May Welland
Alexis Smith Louisa van der Luyden
Geraldine Chaplin Mrs. Welland
Jonathan Pryce Rivière
Linda Faye Farkas Female Opera Singer
Michael Rees Davis Male Opera Singer
Terry Cook Male Opera Singer
Jon Garrison Male Opera Singer
Richard E. Grant Lawrence "Larry" Lefferts
Alec McCowen Sillerton Jackson
Mary Beth Hurt Regina Beaufort
Stuart Wilson Julius Beaufort
Howard Erskine Beaufort Guest
John McLoughlin Party Guest
Christopher Nilsson Party Guest
Miriam Margolyes Mrs. Catherine Mingott
Siân Phillips Mrs. Archer

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