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Tequila Sunrise (1988)

"A business on the line. A friendship on the edge. A woman caught in the middle."

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Romance, Crime, Thriller

1h 55m

December, 1988

Language: EN

In a seaside California town, best friends Mac and Nick are on opposite sides of the law. Mac is a former drug dealer trying to clean up his act, while Nick is a high-profile detective trying to take down a Mexican drug lord named Carlos. Soon Nick's loyalties are put to the test when he begins an affair with restaurateur Jo Ann -- a love interest of Mac's -- unwittingly leading his friend into a police-orchestrated trap.


Robert Towne


Robert Towne


Mel Gibson Dale "Mac" McKussic
Michelle Pfeiffer Jo Ann Vallenari
Kurt Russell Nick Frescia
Raúl Juliá Carlos / Comandante Xavie...
J.T. Walsh Agent Hal McGuire
Arliss Howard Gregg Lindroff
Arye Gross Andy Leonard
Gabriel Damon Cody McKussic
Daniel Zacapa Arturo
Eric Thiele Vittorio
Tom Nolan Leland
Dawn Martel Sin Sister
Lala Sloatman Sin Sister #2
Budd Boetticher Judge Nizetitch
Ann Magnuson Shaleen
Kenny Moore Woody
Jason Randal Magician
Bob Swain Ralph Spudder
Jim Bentley Cop

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Dejan Bansko @dejan1980

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Jane Spasenoski @Legion_X

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