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Sweet Liberty (1986)

"Michael Burgess wrote a book about the American Revolution. Now, Hollywood's come to his town to make a movie of it -- Plunging him into a summer of madness."

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Romance, Comedy

1h 46m

May, 1986

Language: EN

Michael has written a schollarly book on the revolutionary war. He has sold the film rights. The arrival of the film crew seriously disrupts him as actors want to change their characters, directors want to re-stage battles, and he becomes very infatuated with Faith who will play the female lead in the movie. At the same time, he is fighting with his crazy mother who thinks the Devil lives in her kitchen, and his girlfriend who is talking about commitment.


Alan Alda


Alan Alda Michael Burgess
Michael Caine Elliott James
Michelle Pfeiffer Faith Healy
Bob Hoskins Stanley Gould
Lise Hilboldt Gretchen Carlsen
Lillian Gish Cecelia Burgess
Saul Rubinek Bo Hodges
Lois Chiles Leslie
Linda Thorson Grace James
Diana Agostini Nurse
Antony Alda Film Crew Member
Alvin Alexis Male Student
Leo Burmester Hank
Timothy Carhart Eagleton, Stunt Coordinat...
Bonnie Deroski Female Student
Frank Ferrara Lopert
Dann Florek Jesse
John C. McGinley Floyd
Polly Rowles Mrs. Delvechio

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