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Stop-Loss (2008)

"The bravest place to stand is by each other's side."

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Drama, War

1h 53m

March, 2008

Language: EN

A veteran soldier returns from his completed tour of duty in Iraq, only to find his life turned upside down when he is arbitrarily ordered to return to field duty by the Army.


Kimberly Peirce


Ryan Phillippe Brandon King
Abbie Cornish Michelle
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Tommy Burgess
Channing Tatum Steve Shriver
Josef Sommer Senator Orton Worrell
Timothy Olyphant Lieutenant Colonel Boot M...
Ciarán Hinds Roy King
Linda Emond Ida King
Steven Strait Michael Colson
Alex Frost Shorty
Rob Brown Isaac 'Eyeball' Butler
Victor Rasuk Rico Rodriguez
Quay Terry Al 'Preacher' Colson
Matthew Scott Wilcox Harvey
Connett Brewer Curtis
Mamie Gummer Jeanie
Chandra Washington Mrs. Butler
Cora Cardona Theresa Rodriguez
Isreal Saldivar Augustin

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