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Splinter (2006)

"Everyone dies dirty..."

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1h 30m

August, 2006

Language: EN

A gang member, suffering from severe memory loss, searches for his brother's murderer. He secretly enlists the aid of the investigating Detective, while other members of his gang are mysteriously and sadistically murdered.


Michael D. Olmos


Tom Sizemore Detective Cunningham
Edward James Olmos Captain garcia
Enrique Almeida Dreamer
Noel Gugliemi Dusty
Ivonne Coll Mom
Resmine Atis Detective Gramm
Page Falkinburg Jr. Detective Stiles
Delilah Cotto Vanessa
Emilio Rivera Jesse
Adam Rodríguez Private Martinez
Hector Atreyu Ruiz Trigger
Bodie Olmos Forensics Officer

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