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Skellig (2009)

"A Magical Story of an Unlikely Friendship."

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Drama, Fantasy, TV Movie

1h 38m

April, 2009

Language: EN

An ordinary boy named Michael is going through some extraordinary changes in his life. His family has just moved into an unfamiliar house, and his brand new baby sister has fallen ill. One day, while cleaning out the garden shed, he stumbles across something mysterious, a strange creature huddled in the corner; weak of body but strong of will. This is Skellig.


Annabel Jankel


Irena Brignull


Tim Roth Skellig
Bill Milner Michael
Skye Bennett Mina
John Simm Dave
Kelly Macdonald Louise
Navin Chowdhry Mr. Watson
Alexander Armstrong Mr. Hunt
Edna Doré Grace
Jermain Allen Leakey
Eros Vlahos Coot

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