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Sharpe's Regiment (1996)

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Adventure, Action, History, War, TV Movie

1h 40m

May, 1996

Language: EN

Told his battalion is to be split up due to lack of recruits at home, Sharpe and Harper return to England to investigate. What should have been a simple query turns politically explosive as they come nearer to exposing profiteering on the home front that could jeopardize the Wellington's war.


Tom Clegg


Charles Wood


Sean Bean Richard Sharpe
Daragh O'Malley Patrick Harper
Abigail Cruttenden Jane Gibbons
Michael Cochrane Sir Henry Simmerson
Caroline Langrishe Lady Anne Camoynes
James Laurenson Major General Ross
John Tams Daniel Hagman
Nicholas Farrell Lord Fenner
Julian Fellowes The Prince Regent
Norman Rossington Horatio Havercamp
Alexander Armstrong Rossendale
Adam James Captain Carline

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