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Shadowhunter (1993)

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Drama, Action, Horror, TV Movie

1h 33m

February, 1993

Language: EN

An L.A. cop tracks down a seemingly mystic murderer on an Indian reservation.


J.S. Cardone


J.S. Cardone


Scott Glenn John Cain
Angela Alvarado Ray Whitesinger
Benjamin Bratt Nakai Twobear
Robert Beltran Frank Totsoni
Tim Sampson Alen Begay
George Aguilar Daniel Nez
Phillip Brock Detective Cooper
Frederick Flynn Captain Jake Bader
Beth Broderick Bobby Cain
Gloria Reuben Cayla
Lee de Broux P.J. Moore
Nancy Linehan Charles Hattie Moore
Shanna Reed Waitress

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