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Severance (2006)

"The Company Is Making Cutbacks"

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Comedy, Thriller, Horror

1h 36m

May, 2006

Language: EN

Members of the Palisades Defense Corp. sales group arrive in Europe for a team-building exercise. A fallen tree blocks the route, and they must hike to their destination. However, a psychotic killer lurks in the woods, and he has a horrible fate in mind for each of the co-workers.


Christopher Smith


Christopher Smith
James Moran


Danny Dyer Steve
Laura Harris Maggie
Tim McInnerny Richard
Toby Stephens Harris
Claudie Blakley Jill
Babou Ceesay Billy
Andy Nyman Gordon
David Gilliam George
Juli Drajkó Olga
Judit Viktor Nadia
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Kasi Béla Headbutt Killer
Levente Lezsák Landmine Killer
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