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Selena (1997)

"Discover the true story of one of America's brightest stars... that faded too soon."

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Drama, Music, History

2h 07m

March, 1997

Language: EN

In this biographical drama, Selena Quintanilla is born into a musical Mexican-American family in Texas. Her father, Abraham, realizes that his young daughter is talented and begins performing with her at small venues. She finds success and falls for her guitarist, Chris Perez, who draws the ire of her father. Seeking mainstream stardom, Selena begins recording an English-language album which, tragically, she would never complete.


Gregory Nava


Gregory Nava


Jennifer Lopez Selena Quintanilla-Pérez
Edward James Olmos Abraham Quintanilla
Constance Marie Marcela Quintanilla
Jon Seda Chris Perez
Lupe Ontiveros Yolanda Saldívar
Jackie Guerra Suzette Quintanilla
Jacob Vargas A. B. Quintanilla
Seidy López Deborah
Rebecca Lee Meza Young Selena
Victoria Elena Flores Young Suzette
Rafael Tamayo Young Abie
George Perez Seff - Dinos 1961
Panchito Gómez Young Abraham - Dinos 196...
Selena Quintanilla Self (archive footage)
Don Shelton Stage Dancer
Ricky Vela Self - Dinos 1990's
A.B. Quintanilla Self (archive footage)
Suzette Arriaga Self (archive footage)

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Appreciated it (1)

Noah Barger @nbarger03

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