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Saving Grace (1986)

"Have you seen the Pope lately?"

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Drama, Comedy

1h 52m

May, 1986

Language: EN

A newly-elected Pope Leo XIV finds himself accidentally locked out of the Vatican. Unknown to the outside world, he winds up in an impoverished Italian village, where his adventures ultimately teach the Pope and his new friends some important lessons about friendship and self-esteem. Written by Chris DeSantis


Robert M. Young


Tom Conti Pope Leo XIV
Fernando Rey Cardinal Stefano Biondi
Erland Josephson Monsignor Francesco Ghezz...
Giancarlo Giannini Abalardi
Donald Hewlett Monsignor Colin McGee
Edward James Olmos Ciolino
Patricia Mauceri Lucia
Angelo Evans Giuliano
Marta Zoffoli Isabella
Guido Alberti Cardinal Augusto Morante
Massimo Sarchielli Fortunato
Massimo Serato Monsignor Betti
Agnès Nobecourt Mother of Sick Boy
Jorge Krimer Secretary, Sistine Chapel
Tom Felleghy Ambassador
Ettore Martini Bishop

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