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Roosters (1993)

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1h 50m

January, 1993

Language: EN

Gallo Morales is the proud patriach returning home after a seven-year stint for manslaughter. Seeking to re-establish his legendary status as a champion breeder, he comes back for the rooster bred by his father. But it is Hector, his son who inherits the prize-winning bird and neither are about to give in. The fall-out from their conflict has consequences for the whole family, especially for Angela, the sensitive 14-year-old daughter unable to cope with the brutal world that surrounds her and her own emerging womanhood, despite the best efforts of Juana, her strong but long-suffering mother.


Robert M. Young


Milcha Sanchez-Scott


Edward James Olmos Gallo Morales
Sarah Lassez Angela Estelle Morales
Sônia Braga Juana Morales
María Conchita Alonso Chata
Danny Nucci Hector Morales

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