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Roma (2018)

"There are periods in history that scar societies and moments in life that transform us as individuals."

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2h 15m

August, 2018

Language: ES

In 1970s Mexico City, two domestic workers help a mother of four while her husband is away for an extended period of time.


Alfonso Cuarón


Yalitza Aparicio Cleodegaria "Cleo" Gutiér...
Marina de Tavira Sofía
Diego Cortina Autrey Toño
Carlos Peralta Paco
Marco Graf Pepe
Daniela Demesa Sofi
Nancy García García Adela
Verónica García Teresa
Fernando Grediaga Antonio
Jorge Antonio Guerrero Fermín
José Manuel Guerrero Mendoza Ramón
Andy Cortés Ignacio
Victor Manuel Resendiz Ruiz Profesor Zovek
Zarela Lizbeth Chinolla Arellano Dra. Velez
José Luis López Gómez Pediatra
Edwin Mendoza Ramírez Médico Residente
Clementina Guadarrama Benita
Enoc Leaño Político
Nicolás Peréz Taylor Félix Beto Pardo

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Zoé Sanglerat @zsanglerat
Alli Fritz @afritz
Goran Radeski @goran_radeski
Daniel Radevski @danielradevski
Iljas Milenko @IamWhoIam
Jozsef Abraham @abrijoe

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