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Revenge for Jolly! (2012)

"Dog's best friend, man's worst enemy."

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Drama, Comedy

1h 25m

July, 2012

Language: EN

Harry is having a very, very bad day. He returns home from an all-night drinking binge with his cousin Cecil, to discover that his little dog Jolly...Harry's one true love and the source of light in his dark, solitary life-has been murdered. Brokenhearted and beyond consolation, he vows to track down the dog's murderer at any cost. Armed with a stockpile of firepower in the trunk of his car, he and Cecil embark on a frenzied, alcohol-fueled wild-goose chase, leaving a bloody path of destruction in their wake.


Chadd Harbold


Brian Petsos Harry
Oscar Isaac Cecil
Elijah Wood Thomas
Kristen Wiig Angela
Adam Brody Danny
Ryan Phillippe Bachmeier
Garret Dillahunt Gary
Amy Seimetz Vicki
Kevin Corrigan Tony
David Rasche Eichelberger
Gillian Jacobs Tina
Jayne Atkinson Receptionist
Bobby Moynihan Bobby
Helen Rogers Sheila
Brad Morris Dale
Danny Bolero Arturo
John Di Benedetto Fausto

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