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Regeneration (1997)

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Drama, War

1h 54m

August, 1997

Language: EN

Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon, two of England's most important World War I poets are sent, along with other traumatized combatants, to a rest home in order to treat their emotional troubles, caused by the psychological fatigue that suffer the soldiers fighting in the no man's land.


Gillies MacKinnon


Allan Scott


Jonathan Pryce Capt. William Rivers
James Wilby 2nd Lt. Siegfried Sassoon
Jonny Lee Miller 2nd Lt. Billy Prior
Stuart Bunce 2nd Lt. Wilfred Owen
Tanya Allen Sarah Lumb
Dougray Scott Capt. Robert Graves
David Hayman Maj. Bryce
John Neville Dr. Yealland
Paul Young Dr. Brock
Alastair Galbraith Capt. Campbell
Eileen Nicholas Miss Crowe
Julian Fellowes Timmons
David Robb Dr. McIntyre
Kevin McKidd Callan
Rupert Procter Capt. David Burns
Angela Bradley Nurse Alison
Finlay McLean Huntley
Jeremy Child Balfour Graham
Jenny Ryan Madge

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