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Reclaim (2014)

"Take What's Yours"

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1h 36m

September, 2014

Language: EN

After their newly adopted daughter goes missing in a small town, Steven and Shannon will stop at nothing to uncover the truth behind her disappearance and the dangerous secret behind the adoption agency they trusted. Risking their own lives, they will discover just what being a parent means and how far they will go to get their child back.


Alan White


John Cusack Benjamin
Ryan Phillippe Steven
Rachelle Lefevre Shannon
Jacki Weaver Reigert
Luis Guzmán Detective
Briana Roy Nina
Jandres Burgos Salo
Veronica Faye Foo Paola
Alex Cintrón Hotel Manager
Millie Ruperto Female Sergeant
Oscar Guerrero Taxi Driver
Reema Sampat Interpreter
Isabelle Adriani Esmeralda
Sunshine Logroño Mr. Lopez (Bank Manager)
Sean Taylor Gerry
Blas Diaz Walker

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