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Rabbit Fever (2006)

"Can you feel the buzz?"

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1h 25m

September, 2006

Language: EN

The Rabbit is the world's belling-selling vibrator. In the past year alone, millions have been sold all over the globe. Now experts are warning the Rabbit is becoming the new addiction; women who start using often find they simply cannot stop. RABBIT FEVER is the first film to follow the trials and tribulations of a group of Rabbit Addicts as they attempt to kick their Rabbit habit.


Ian Denyer


Lisa Barbuscia Nicky
Julian Rhind-Tutt Rupert
Flora Montgomery Georgia
Enzo Cilenti Andrew
Sienna Guillory Newscaster
Stefanie Powers Georgia's mum
Tom Hollander Tod Best
Tara Summers Ally
Emma Buckley Sophie
John Standing Ally's dad
Cassandra Bell Marketing Executive
Tom Conti Prof Rosenberg
Sorcha Cusack Ally's mum
Richard Branson Himself
Emily Mortimer Herself
Rick Warden Airline Pilot
Malcolm Sinclair Monsignor Francis Hughes
Samantha Bloom Claire

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