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Priest of Love (1981)

"He was D.H. Lawrence. She was his Lady Chatterly. Their extraordinary romance was more tempestuous than any he wrote."

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Drama, Romance

2h 05m

October, 1981

Language: EN

Following the banning and burning of his novel, "The Rainbow," D.H. Lawrence and his wife, Frieda, move to the United States, and then to Mexico. When Lawrence contracts tuberculosis, they return to England for a short time, then to Italy, where Lawrence writes "Lady Chatterley's Lover."


Christopher Miles


Ian McKellen D.H. Lawrence
Janet Suzman Frieda Lawrence
Ava Gardner Mabel Dodge Luhan
Penelope Keith Dorothy Brett
Maurizio Merli Angelo Ravagli
John Gielgud Herbert G. Muskett
Jorge Rivero Tony Luhan
James Faulkner Aldous Huxley
Mike Gwilym John Middleton Murry
Massimo Ranieri Piero Pini
Marjorie Yates Ada Lawrence
Wendy Allnutt Maria Huxley
Jane Booker Barbara Weekley
Sarah Brackett Achsah Brewster
Elio Pandolfi Pino Orioli
Adrienne Burgess Katherine Mansfield
Patrick Holt Arthur Lawrence
Burnell Tucker Earl Brewster
Mike Morris Dr. Uhfelder

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