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Present Laughter (1981)

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2h 27m

December, 1981

Language: EN

Often regarded as semi-autobiographical, Present Laughter follows a few days in the life of successful and self-obsessed actor Garry Essendine as he prepares to travel for a touring commitment. Amid a series of events bordering on farce, Garry must deal with interruptions including the numerous women who want to seduce him, placating his long-suffering secretary Monica Reed, avoiding his estranged wife Liz Essendine, being confronted by a crazed young playwright, and overcoming his fear of his own approacing fortieth birthday and impending mid-life crisis.


Rick Gardner
Alan Strachan


Donald Sinden Garry Essendine
Dinah Sheridan Liz Essendine
Gwen Watford Monica Reed
Elizabeth Counsell Joanna Lyppiatt
Julian Fellowes Roland Maule
Belinda Lang Daphne Stillington
Colin Spaull Fred

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