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Possessions (2012)

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1h 26m

March, 2012

Language: EN

Orlando is dying. Resigned to his fate, all he wants is to be left alone with his alcohol, drugs, and hermit crab. But his hopes of solitude are shattered when he is woken by Jean-Luc, an incessantly chatty Frenchman who happens to be a voice in his head. Now, in addition to cancer, Orlando must deal with Jean-Luc's never-ending questions and commentary, as well as the discovery that Jean-Luc is slowly taking over every sense of his body (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch).


Nathan Adolfson


Trent Ford Orlando
Brien Perry Jean Luc
Autumn Reeser Jessica
Jaime Murray Chloe
Kevin Chamberlin Keith
Ivar Brogger Baxter
Taylor Nichols Father Porter
Tania Gunadi Janice
Laci Mercede Little Girl At Zoo (as La...

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