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Possession (2002)

"The past will connect them. The passion will possess them."

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Drama, Romance, Mystery

1h 42m

October, 2002

Language: EN

Maud Bailey, a brilliant English academic, is researching the life and work of poet Christabel La Motte. Roland Michell is an American scholar in London to study Randolph Henry Ash, now best-known for a collection of poems dedicated to his wife. When Maud and Roland discover a cache of love letters that appear to be from Ash to La Motte, they follow a trail of clues across England, echoing the journey of the couple over a century earlier.


Neil LaBute


Neil LaBute
Laura Jones


Gwyneth Paltrow Maud Bailey
Aaron Eckhart Roland Mitchell
Jeremy Northam Randolph Henry Ash
Jennifer Ehle Christabel LaMotte
Lena Headey Blanche Glover
Holly Aird Ellen Ash
Toby Stephens Fergus Wolfe
Trevor Eve Cropper
Georgia Mackenzie Paola
Tom Hollander Euan
Graham Crowden Sir George
Anna Massey Lady Bailey
Elodie Frenck Sabine
Shelley Conn Candi
Holly Earl May Bailey
Kate O'Toole Mrs. Jameson
Meg Wynn Owen Mrs. Lees
Roger Hammond Professor Spear
Jeanne Marine University Secretary

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