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Posse (1975)

""Posse" begins like most Westerns. It ends like none of them. It will knock you off your horse."

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1h 32m

June, 1975

Language: EN

A tough marshal with political ambitions leads an elite posse to capture a notorious train robber and his gang.


Kirk Douglas


William Roberts
Christopher Knopf


Kirk Douglas Howard Nightingale
Bruce Dern Jack Strawhorn
Bo Hopkins Wesley
James Stacy Harold Hellman
Luke Askew Krag
David Canary Pensteman
Alfonso Aráu Pepe
Katherine Woodville Mrs. Cooper
Mark Roberts Mr. Cooper
Beth Brickell Carla Ross
Dick O'Neill Wiley
William H. Burton Jr. McCanless
Louie Elias Rains
Gus Greymountain Reyno
Allan Warnick Telegrapher
Roger Behrstock Buwalda
Jess Riggle Hunsinger
Stephanie Steele Amy
Melody Thomas Scott Laurie

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