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Playing by Heart (1998)

"If romance is a mystery, there's only one way to figure it out."

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2h 01m

December, 1998

Language: EN

Eleven articulate people work through affairs of the heart in L.A. Paul produces Hannah's TV cooking show. Mark is dying of AIDS. Men have scalded Meredith so she rebuffs Trent's charm, but he persists. The trendy, prolix Joan tries to pull the solitary Keenan into her orbit. An adulterous couple meet at hotels for evening sex. Hugh tells tall tales, usually tragic, to women in bars.


Willard Carroll


Gillian Anderson Meredith
Ellen Burstyn Mildred
Sean Connery Paul
Anthony Edwards Roger
Angelina Jolie Joan
Jay Mohr Mark
Ryan Phillippe Keenan
Dennis Quaid Hugh
Gena Rowlands Hannah
Jon Stewart Trent
Madeleine Stowe Gracie
Patricia Clarkson Allison
April Grace Valery
Alec Mapa Lana
Christian Mills Phillip
Kellie Waymire Jane
Tim Halligan Cook Show Director
Michael Emerson Bosco
John Patrick White Pete

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