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Piñero (2001)

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1h 43m

January, 2001

Language: EN

"Piñero" tells the story of the explosive life of a Latino icon, the gay poet-playwright-actor Miguel Piñero, whose urban poetry is recognized as a pre-cursor to rap and hip-hop. After doing time in hard-core Sing-Sing for petty thefts and drug dealing, Piñero's prison experiences developed into the 1974 Tony-nominated play Short Eyes. The resulting notoriety and fame was too much for the Latino bad-boy genius who retreated to the darker corners of New York City.


Leon Ichaso


Benjamin Bratt Miguel Piñero
Giancarlo Esposito Miguel Algarin
Talisa Soto Sugar
Nelson Vasquez Tito Goya
Panchito Gómez Acting Inmate

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