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Picking Up the Pieces (2000)

Average rating on Binge.
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Comedy, Thriller, Mystery

1h 35m

May, 2000

Language: EN

A small New Mexican village discovers a severed hand that is considered a miracle of God, when it actually belongs to a murdered spouse with a husband in search of it.


Alfonso Aráu


Woody Allen Tex Cowley
Sharon Stone Candy Cowley
Alfonso Aráu Dr. Amado
Brian Brophy CNN Reporter
Maria Grazia Cucinotta Desi
Cheech Marin Mayor Machado
David Schwimmer Father Leo Jerome
Kiefer Sutherland Officer Bobo
Andy Dick Father Buñuel
Fran Drescher Sister Frida
Lou Diamond Phillips Officer Alfonso
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Flaco
Eddie Griffin Sediento
Daisy White Conchata Ortiz
Elliott Gould Father LaCage
Mía Maestro
Enrique Castillo Grasiento

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