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Piccadilly Jim (2004)

"What's Wrong with Love?"

Average rating on Binge.
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Romance, Comedy

1h 37m

November, 2004

Language: EN

Set in the 1930s, an American with a scandalous reputation on both sides of the Atlantic must do an about-face in order to win back the woman of his dreams.


John McKay


Julian Fellowes


Sam Rockwell Jim Crocker
Frances O'Connor Ann Chester
Tobias Menzies Reg 3
Tom Wilkinson Bingley Crocker
Brenda Blethyn Nesta Pett
Allison Janney Eugenia Crocker
Hugh Bonneville Lord Wisbeach
Tom Hollander Willie Partridge
Geoffrey Palmer Bayliss
Pam Ferris Miss Trimble
Kevin Eldon Wizzy Wisbeach
Nitin Ganatra Banje Singh
Austin Pendleton Peter Pett
Rupert Simonian Ogden Ford
Delia Lindsay Duchess of Arminster

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