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Personal Effects (2009)

"The space between loss and love."

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1h 50m

March, 2009

Language: EN

Walter is a rising star in the NCAA wrestling world until his life is ripped apart by the brutal murder of his sister. Returning home to console his mother Gloria he seeks vengeance on the man who is accused of the crime. A chance meeting with a beautiful mature woman gives him solace to the situation. Will this unlikely pairing bloom into a romance and heal a wound the world cannot see or will the loss of his sister push him over the edge?


David Hollander


David Hollander


Michelle Pfeiffer Linda
Ashton Kutcher Walter
Kathy Bates Gloria
Spencer Hudson Clay
John Mann Hank
David Lewis Bruce
Rob LaBelle Camden
Aleks Paunovic Tom
Brian Markinson Finneran
Sarah Lind Annie
Alissa Skovbye Beth
Kyle Toy Jose
Dean Wray Larry
Brock Johnson Mark
Mary Black Peggy
Sarah Strange Janet
Jay Brazeau Martin
Jake LeDoux Maloni
Serge Houde Judge Wettick

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