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Pedro Paramo (1967)

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Drama, Fantasy

1h 44m

January, 1967

Language: ES

When his mother Dolores dies, Juan Preciado, son of Pedro Páramo, goes to Comala to claim his inheritance; but when he arrives he finds an abandoned and sinister place, inhabited by mysterious voices and whispers…


Carlos Velo


Carlos Velo
Manuel Barbachano Ponce
Carlos Fuentes


John Gavin Pedro Páramo
Ignacio López Tarso Fulgor Sedano
Pilar Pellicer Susana San Juan
Julissa Ana Rentería
Graciela Döring Damiana Cisneros
Carlos Fernández Juan Preciado
Augusto Benedico Padre Rentería
Beatriz Sheridan Eduviges Dyada
Claudia Millán Dolores Preciado
Rosa Furman Dorotea la Cuarraca
Joaquín Martínez Abundio Martínez
Jorge Russek 'El Tilcuate'
Eric del Castillo Perseverancio
Amparo Villegas Mother Villa
Graciela Lara Margarita
Álvaro Ortiz Cacarizo
Juan Ferrara Florencio
Claudio Obregón Gerardo Trujillo - Lawyer
José Torvay Terencio Lubianes

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