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Paparazzi (2004)

"One good shot deserves another."

Average rating on Binge.
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Drama, Action, Thriller

1h 24m

September, 2004

Language: EN

A rising Hollywood actor decides to take personal revenge against a group of four persistent photographers to make them pay for almost causing a personal tragedy involving his wife and son.


Paul Abascal


Cole Hauser Bo Laramie
Robin Tunney Abby Laramie
Dennis Farina Detective Burton
Daniel Baldwin Wendell Stokes
Tom Sizemore Rex Harper
Tom Hollander Leonard Clark
Kevin Gage Kevin Rosner
Blake Michael Bryan Zach Laramie
Andrea Baker Emily
Jordan Baker Dr. Kelley
Kelly Carlson Kristin
Lauren Birkell Allison
Chris Rock Pizza Delivery Guy
Wendy Braun Bo's Publicist
Joe Basile Police Lab Tech
Robert Catrini Smartass Paparazzi
Larry Cedar Charlie
Dennis Cockrum Coroner
Duane Davis Reggie

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