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Pachito Rex: I'm Leaving but Not for Good (2001)

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1h 26m

November, 2001

Language: EN

The attack on a popular singer known as Pachito -who becomes the favorite candidate to win the presidential election in an imaginary Latin American country- is the starting point of several stories, including: the alleged murderer, a police officer investigating the disappearance of the murdered body and an architect hired to design the mausoleum to the memory of the possible dictator.


Fabián Hofman


Flavio González Mello


Jorge Zárate
Ernesto Gómez Cruz
Ana Ofelia Murguía
Fernando Torre Laphame
Damián Alcázar
Yuriria del Valle
Alejandro Calva
Carlos Cobos
Pedro Altamirano
Lisa Owen
Arturo Ríos

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