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Our Idiot Brother (2011)

"Everybody has one"

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Drama, Comedy

1h 30m

August, 2011

Language: EN

Everybody has one—the sibling who is always just a little bit behind the curve when it comes to getting his life together. For sisters Liz, Miranda and Natalie, that person is their perennially upbeat brother, Ned. But as each of their lives begins to unravel, Ned's family comes to realise that Ned isn't such an idiot after all.


Jesse Peretz


David Schisgall
Evgenia Peretz


Paul Rudd Ned
Elizabeth Banks Miranda
Zooey Deschanel Natalie
Emily Mortimer Liz
Steve Coogan Dylan
Hugh Dancy Christian
Kathryn Hahn Janet
Rashida Jones Cindy
Shirley Knight Ilene
T.J. Miller Billy
Adam Scott Jeremy
Janet Montgomery Lady Arabella
Sterling K. Brown Omar
Matthew Mindler River
Nick Sullivan Customer
Francesca Papalia Sadie
Bob Stephenson Officer Washburn
Peter Hermann Terry
Kelly Briter Girl with Jeremy

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Appreciated it (1)

Amber Gakhar @ambergakhar

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