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One Good Cop (1991)

"How far will one man go to be a good father and stay..."

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Drama, Action, Crime, Thriller

1h 54m

May, 1991

Language: EN

When his partner is killed in the line of duty, Artie Lewis becomes the legal guardian of his three orphaned girls. But during his investigation of the case, Lewis finds his life – and that of his newfound family – on the line. That's when the guilty crime-lord comes face to face with one man's rage, one man's fury, one man's justice.


Heywood Gould


Michael Keaton Artie Lewis
Rene Russo Rita Lewis
Anthony LaPaglia Stevie Diroma
Kevin Conway Lt. Danny Quinn
Rachel Ticotin Grace
Tony Plana Beniamino
Benjamin Bratt Felix
Charlayne Woodard Cheryl Clark
Grace Johnston Marian Diroma
Rhea Silver-Smith Barbara Diroma
Blair Swanson Carol Diroma
Victor Rivers Oreste
David Barry Gray Mickey Garrett
Lisa Arrindell Raisa
Rick Aiello Knudson
Mike Hagerty Walsh
J.E. Freeman Captain Schreiber
Kevin Corrigan Clifford
Penny Santon Mrs. Cristofaro

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