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One Fine Day (1996)

"She was having a perfectly bad day... Then he came along and spoiled it."

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Romance, Comedy

1h 48m

December, 1996

Language: EN

Melanie Parker, an architect and mother of Sammy, and Jack Taylor, a newspaper columnist and father of Maggie, are both divorced. They meet one morning when overwhelmed Jack is left unexpectedly with Maggie and forgets that Melanie was to take her to school. As a result, both children miss their school field trip and are stuck with the parents. The two adults project their negative stereotypes of ex-spouses on each other, but end up needing to rely on each other to watch the children as each must save his job. Humor is added by Sammy's propensity for lodging objects in his nose and Maggie's tendency to wander.


Michael Hoffman


Terrel Seltzer
Ellen Simon


Michelle Pfeiffer Melanie Parker
George Clooney Jack Taylor
Mae Whitman Maggie Taylor
Alex D. Linz Sammy Parker
Charles Durning Lew
Jon Robin Baitz Mr. Yates, Jr.
Ellen Greene Mrs. Elaine Lieberman
Joe Grifasi Manny Feldstein
Pete Hamill Frank Burroughs
Anna Maria Horsford Evelyn
Gregory Jbara Freddy
Sheila Kelley Kristen
Bitty Schram Marla
Barry Kivel Mr. Yates, Sr.
Robert Klein Dr. Martin
George Martin Mr. Smith Leland
Michael Massee Eddie Parker
Amanda Peet Celia
Holland Taylor Rita

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Igor Petrov @crysis7
Claire P @clairino

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