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Once Upon a Time in China and America (1997)

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Action, Western

1h 42m

February, 1997

Language: CN

So goes to the U.S. to open a martial arts school. Around this time, many Chinese people were sold off to U.S. railroad companies, and were brutally treated by the Americans under the harsh working conditions. Thus, the American workers' hatred towards the Chinese immigrants is high. As a result, So gets into trouble with the Americans and the mob, and calls Master Wong for help.


Sammo Hung


Man-Sing So


Jet Li Wong Fei Hung
Rosamund Kwan Aunt 13
Xiong Xinxin 'Clubfoot' Seven
Power Chan Dr So
Jeff Wolfe Billy
Chrysta Bell Sarah, the Indian Girl
Patrick Lung Kong Uncle Lone
Richard Ng Uncle Han
Roger Yuan Dick
Joseph Sayah Bandit Leader
T.J. Storm Rival Tribe Indian Brave
Johnny Koo
Gavin Perry
Ryon Marshall
Daniel Luján Flying Eagle
Chris Doughton
Jason De Hoyos Fierce Eagle
Freddy Joe
Steve Beasley

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