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On Chesil Beach (2018)

"A different time. A different love."

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Drama, Romance

1h 50m

January, 2018

Language: EN

In 1962 England, a young couple finds their idyllic romance colliding with issues of sexual freedom and societal pressure, leading to an awkward and fateful wedding night.


Dominic Cooke


Ian McEwan


Saoirse Ronan Florence Ponting
Billy Howle Edward Mayhew
Anne-Marie Duff Marjorie Mayhew
Adrian Scarborough Lionel Mayhew
Emily Watson Violet Ponting
Samuel West Geoffrey Ponting
Andy Burse Waiter One
Rasmus Hardiker Waiter Two
Mia Burgess Harriet Mayhew
Anna Burgess Anne Mayhew
Bebe Cave Ruth Ponting
John Ramm Postman Terry
Barney Iley Timothy
Mark Donald Charles Morrell
Imogen Daines Jenny
Molly Miles Sonia
Victoria Hamnett Elsbeth
Marianne Cecil Young Florence
Martin Bassindale Harold Mather

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Claire P @clairino

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