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Ollie Klublershturf vs. the Nazis (2010)

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0h 10m

September, 2010

Language: EN

An off-the-wall comedy set around the dinner table. What at first glance seems like an awkward 'meet the parents' situation for Dade Klublershturf quickly turns into a game of cat and mouse between Nazis, his boy genius younger brother, Ollie, and a time machine (disguised as an Atari joy stick) the Nazis are trying to capture from him.


Skot Bright


Chris Hemsworth Chad
Rachel Nichols Daniella
Samm Levine Dade Klublershturf
Norman Reedus Barry
George Segal Elliott Klublershturf
Lainie Kazan Sharon Klublershturf
Zach Mills Ollie Klublershturf
Jack Axelrod Poppy

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