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Nowhere (1997)

"Let the love feast begin."

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Drama, Comedy

1h 18m

May, 1997

Language: EN

Described as "90210 on acid", the film tells the story of a day in the lives of a group of college kids in Los Angeles and the strange lives they lead.


Gregg Araki


James Duval Dark Smith
Rachel True Mel
Nathan Bexton Montgomery
Chiara Mastroianni Kriss, S&M Girl
Debi Mazar Kozy, S&M Girl
Kathleen Robertson Lucifer
Jordan Ladd Alyssa
Christina Applegate Dingbat
Sarah Lassez Egg/Polly
Jeremy Jordan Bart
Guillermo Díaz Cowboy
Alan Boyce Handjob
Jaason Simmons Teen Idol
Ryan Phillippe Shad, Allysa's Brother
Heather Graham Lilith
Scott Caan Ducky
Thyme Lewis Elvis
Mena Suvari Zoe
Beverly D'Angelo Dark's Mother

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