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Nobody's Children (1994)

"A true story of war torn Romania"

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Drama, TV Movie

1h 35m

March, 1994

Language: EN

An American couple's battle through bureaucracy to adopt a Romanian child.


David Wheatley


Ann-Margret Carol Stevens
Dominique Sanda Stephanie Vaugier
Clive Owen Corneliu Bratu
Katrin Cartlidge Viorica
Jay O. Sanders Joe Stevens
Reiner Schöne Sorin Dornescu
Allan Corduner Ion
Valentin Teodosiu Dragan
Sam Douglas Rob
Dan Bădărău Chief of Demonstrators
Monica Ghiuță Grandmother
Felix Totolici Cercel
Debora Weston Susan
Elvira Deatcu Fortuna
Manuela Golescu Elena
Marina Procopie Girl in White
William Marsh Reporter
Silviu Stănculescu Vlad
Șerban Celea Adoption Clerk

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