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Nine Days (2021)

Average rating on Binge.
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Drama, Fantasy

2h 04m

July, 2021

Language: EN

A reclusive man conducts a series of interviews with human souls for a chance to be born.


Edson Oda


Winston Duke Will
Zazie Beetz Emma
Benedict Wong Kyo
David Rysdahl Mike
Arianna Ortiz Maria
Tony Hale Alexander
Bill Skarsgård Kane
Perry Smith Anne
Geraldine Hughes Colleen
Brandy Pitcher Amanda's Mom
Eric Ramaekers Amanda's Dad
Eliza de Azevedo Brown Amanda (8 years old)
Lisa Starrett Amanda
Jeffrey Hanson Conductor
Elizaveta Shaikhulina Violinist
Taran Marshall Bully
Caleb Fralick Bully 2
Sterlin English Rick (14 Years Old)
Erika Vasquez Luiza

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