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Naufragio (1978)

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1h 41m

November, 1978

Language: EN

One woman lives waiting for his son who is a sailor. She hasn't seen him for years although he writes to her a lot. The woman shares the letters and her grief with a co-worker and friend. This last woman begins to idealize her friend's son.


Jaime Humberto Hermosillo


José Alonso Miguel Ángel
María Rojo Leticia
Ana Ofelia Murguía Amparo
Carlos Castañón Gustavo
Guillermo Gil Hernández Pimental
Manuel Ojeda Médico
Martha Navarro Jefe de enfermeras
Blanca Torres Aurelita
Farnesio de Bernal Don Benito
Emma Roldán Raquelito
Evangelina Martínez Eugenia
Magnolia Rivas Señorita Dey
Alma Levy Esther
Max Kerlow Marino III
Sergio Molina Joven I
Margarita Isabel Vecina

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