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Nasty Boys (1989)

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Crime, TV Movie

1h 40m

September, 1989

Language: EN

When a narcotics team sent to bust some drug dealers are massacred. The police department form a special unit of undercover cops whose identities are withheld from the brass, and are only accountable to the leader, a Lieutenant. While they try to bust the dealers, the Lieutenant tries to find out who gave the dealers the information about the bust. And he suspects that it's someone in the DEA.


Rick Rosenthal


Benjamin Bratt Eduardo Cruz
Don Franklin Alex Wheeler
James Pax Jimmy Kee
Nia Peeples Serena Cruz
Jeff Kaake Paul Morrissey
Melissa Leo Katie Morrissey
Whip Hubley Mike Morrissey
Sandy McPeak Chief Bradley
Craig Hurley Danny Larsen
Deke Anderson Steve Michaels
Thomas Mikal Ford Payday
Mike Moroff Elephant
William Shockley Drug Dealer
Bentley Kyle Evans
William Russ Ben Farlow

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